Evening thoughts

Sitting in the most fragrant place ever, inhaling the smell of pastry and coffee, I am trying to resume writing my Final Year Project while being continuously distracted by thoughts that I have been wanting to pen down. Here I am for the second thing I wanted to share with you guys, as I told … Continue reading Evening thoughts

What is NOT the correct temperature to drink a hot beverage?

I have expressed my love for coffee and my subsequent breakup with it in my older posts. However, I never wrote about reconciling with it. I wrote this poem on a 15 minutes bus ride to university and a 10 minutes’ walk to the library. Well, I sure disliked coffee for making me dizzy, nauseous … Continue reading What is NOT the correct temperature to drink a hot beverage?

Break Up With My Favourite…

Coffee had never been my favorite drink until... I got in university. Most people (students) I talk to tell me the same thing; that university makes them become coffee addicts. Actually, it was never a drink I would consume during high school, and I could never understand how people could gulp down coffee like air. … Continue reading Break Up With My Favourite…