I have a new domain name

Hello friends, This is a short post to tell you that I have moved most of my content to a new fomain name: deepikapydatalli.com. You can find the same type of content like short stories, poems, articles and. Now recently, a book club. Here is a preview of my most recent post, a poem based … Continue reading I have a new domain name

The Journey of Nostalgia(2)

Desolate, sad, dilapidated Ironclad and rusty Weeds growing Pebbles crunching Under the feet Railway tracks Mingling and intertwined Electrical lines Linked to poles Linearly and parallelly Covering distances Between star-crossed lovers Seeing each other Never really reaching each other Broken pieces Concrete and raw Canals and bridges Smothered with grime Flooding acrimoniously With sewage and … Continue reading The Journey of Nostalgia(2)